瑰丽蝴蝶·Magnificent Butterfly
"瑰丽蝴蝶"系列是CHRISTINE DAI对华美自然与深邃艺术的全新献礼。以自然界绚丽的蝴蝶蜕变,终将羽化成蝶,翩然展翅为灵感。以画家的视角捕捉色彩与光影,用坚硬的金属打造柔美的线条,充满结构感的镶嵌,塑造蝴蝶短暂且绚烂的生命力,呈现一个灵动瑰丽的艺术珠宝世界。
‘The Magnificent Butterfly’ series is Christine Dai's tribute to the beauty of nature and the depths of art. It captures the splendid transformation of a butterfly, from its metamorphic journey to its graceful flight, all as a source of inspiration. Viewing the world through the eyes of a painter, Christine captures the essence of color and light. She forges delicate lines from robust metals, creating intricately structured inlays that embody the fleeting yet dazzling vitality of a butterfly. The result is a dynamic and magnificent world of artistic jewelry.
CHRISTINE DAI从蝴蝶蓄力扑翅的瞬间引发哲思,用轻盈灵动的蝴蝶身姿,勾勒出对自然万物生长的幻想,也象征着自由探索的艺术态度。作品由惊艳浓郁的10卡蓝宝石为生命源泉,翅膀采用双层隐形镶嵌等工艺,蝶翼生动舒展的美感,曲面缀满层层渐变的蓝宝石,呈现自然生命的能量和坚毅生长的信念感。仿佛是一只生命力盎然的蝴蝶,在未知中肆意起舞,更是对自由精神的真挚礼赞。
The Phantom Butterfly collection is born from contemplation sparked by the moment a butterfly gathers its strength to flutter its wings. With the graceful and agile posture of a butterfly, it outlines fantasies of the growth of all things in nature. It also symbolizes an artistic attitude of free exploration. The artwork draws its life force from a dazzling and rich 10-carat sapphire. The wings employ techniques such as double-layer invisible setting, capturing the vivid and graceful beauty of butterfly wings. The curved surfaces are adorned with layers of gradually shifting blue sapphires, conveying the energy of natural life and the resolute belief in growth. It's as if it's a vibrant and lively butterfly, dancing freely in the unknown, and a sincere tribute to the spirit of freedom.
CHRISTINE DAI以印象派作为灵感,打破珠宝与油画的边界,以想象力捕捉斑斓灵动的光影,用宝石作为画笔颜料,将自然蝴蝶翩跹的姿态,化为一幅可佩戴的永恒画卷。每一颗宝石都经过精心雕琢,宛如画家栩栩如生的笔触。作品融入蜂巢底镶嵌与隐形镶嵌等工艺,使整只蝴蝶呈现出空中悬浮的视觉。镶嵌其中的彩色蓝宝石经过双面玫瑰切割,精致且典雅,像是在阳光下熠熠闪耀的蝴蝶翅膀。明亮式切割的钻石则如同璀璨的星辰,令人神往的光芒,衬托出整件作品的优雅与浪漫。
Inspired by Impressionism, Christine Dai transcends the boundaries between jewelry and oil painting, using her imagination to capture the vibrant and dynamic interplay of light and shadow. Gemstones become her palette, and she transforms the graceful movements of butterflies into timeless wearable canvases. Each gemstone is meticulously crafted, resembling the lifelike brushstrokes of a painter. Techniques like honeycomb setting and invisible setting are employed, giving the impression of butterflies suspended in mid-air. The colored sapphires, cut with precision, exude elegance, akin to glistening butterfly wings in the sunlight. Brilliant-cut diamonds, like dazzling stars, emit a mesmerizing brilliance, accentuating the elegance and romance of the entire piece.
灵感源自经典而浪漫的《歌剧魅影》,CHRISTINE DAI被歌剧中魅影的遗憾爱情故事所感动。巴黎歌剧院内充满结构美感的Y型楼梯,被巧妙地化为蝴蝶翅膀的脉络,黄金和黄钻两种材质的暖色光芒,交相闪烁,仿佛重回歌剧院地下宫殿魅影的壮丽烛海,这一摄人心魄的时刻投入于作品之中。蝶身镶嵌了一颗5克拉的金棕黄钻,呈现出如落日余晖般的温暖光辉,映射出短暂而美丽的蝴蝶生命,亦寄托着对逝去爱情的咏叹。
Inspired by the classic and romantic tale of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, Christine Dai is moved by the story's poignant love. The Y-shaped staircase in the Paris Opera House, a symbol of structural beauty, is ingeniously transformed into the intricate veins of butterfly wings. The interplay of warm-toned gold and yellow diamonds creates a mesmerizing display, reminiscent of the grand sea of candles in the Phantom's underground palace. In this way, the awe-inspiring moment of the play is embodied in the artwork. Adorning the center is a 5-carat golden-brown diamond, radiating warmth like the lingering glow of a setting sun, symbolizing the brief yet beautiful life of a butterfly and paying tribute to lost love.
"瑰丽蝴蝶"系列是CHRISTINE DAI对华美自然与深邃艺术的全新献礼。以自然界绚丽的蝴蝶蜕变,终将羽化成蝶,翩然展翅为灵感。以画家的视角捕捉色彩与光影,用坚硬的金属打造柔美的线条,充满结构感的镶嵌,塑造蝴蝶短暂且绚烂的生命力,呈现一个灵动瑰丽的艺术珠宝世界。
‘The Magnificent Butterfly’ series is Christine Dai's tribute to the beauty of nature and the depths of art. It captures the splendid transformation of a butterfly, from its metamorphic journey to its graceful flight, all as a source of inspiration. Viewing the world through the eyes of a painter, Christine captures the essence of color and light. She forges delicate lines from robust metals, creating intricately structured inlays that embody the fleeting yet dazzling vitality of a butterfly. The result is a dynamic and magnificent world of artistic jewelry.
CHRISTINE DAI从蝴蝶蓄力扑翅的瞬间引发哲思,用轻盈灵动的蝴蝶身姿,勾勒出对自然万物生长的幻想,也象征着自由探索的艺术态度。作品由惊艳浓郁的10卡蓝宝石为生命源泉,翅膀采用双层隐形镶嵌等工艺,蝶翼生动舒展的美感,曲面缀满层层渐变的蓝宝石,呈现自然生命的能量和坚毅生长的信念感。仿佛是一只生命力盎然的蝴蝶,在未知中肆意起舞,更是对自由精神的真挚礼赞。
The Phantom Butterfly collection is born from contemplation sparked by the moment a butterfly gathers its strength to flutter its wings. With the graceful and agile posture of a butterfly, it outlines fantasies of the growth of all things in nature. It also symbolizes an artistic attitude of free exploration. The artwork draws its life force from a dazzling and rich 10-carat sapphire. The wings employ techniques such as double-layer invisible setting, capturing the vivid and graceful beauty of butterfly wings. The curved surfaces are adorned with layers of gradually shifting blue sapphires, conveying the energy of natural life and the resolute belief in growth. It's as if it's a vibrant and lively butterfly, dancing freely in the unknown, and a sincere tribute to the spirit of freedom.
CHRISTINE DAI以印象派作为灵感,打破珠宝与油画的边界,以想象力捕捉斑斓灵动的光影,用宝石作为画笔颜料,将自然蝴蝶翩跹的姿态,化为一幅可佩戴的永恒画卷。每一颗宝石都经过精心雕琢,宛如画家栩栩如生的笔触。作品融入蜂巢底镶嵌与隐形镶嵌等工艺,使整只蝴蝶呈现出空中悬浮的视觉。镶嵌其中的彩色蓝宝石经过双面玫瑰切割,精致且典雅,像是在阳光下熠熠闪耀的蝴蝶翅膀。明亮式切割的钻石则如同璀璨的星辰,令人神往的光芒,衬托出整件作品的优雅与浪漫。
Inspired by Impressionism, Christine Dai transcends the boundaries between jewelry and oil painting, using her imagination to capture the vibrant and dynamic interplay of light and shadow. Gemstones become her palette, and she transforms the graceful movements of butterflies into timeless wearable canvases. Each gemstone is meticulously crafted, resembling the lifelike brushstrokes of a painter. Techniques like honeycomb setting and invisible setting are employed, giving the impression of butterflies suspended in mid-air. The colored sapphires, cut with precision, exude elegance, akin to glistening butterfly wings in the sunlight. Brilliant-cut diamonds, like dazzling stars, emit a mesmerizing brilliance, accentuating the elegance and romance of the entire piece.
灵感源自经典而浪漫的《歌剧魅影》,CHRISTINE DAI被歌剧中魅影的遗憾爱情故事所感动。巴黎歌剧院内充满结构美感的Y型楼梯,被巧妙地化为蝴蝶翅膀的脉络,黄金和黄钻两种材质的暖色光芒,交相闪烁,仿佛重回歌剧院地下宫殿魅影的壮丽烛海,这一摄人心魄的时刻投入于作品之中。蝶身镶嵌了一颗5克拉的金棕黄钻,呈现出如落日余晖般的温暖光辉,映射出短暂而美丽的蝴蝶生命,亦寄托着对逝去爱情的咏叹。
Inspired by the classic and romantic tale of ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, Christine Dai is moved by the story's poignant love. The Y-shaped staircase in the Paris Opera House, a symbol of structural beauty, is ingeniously transformed into the intricate veins of butterfly wings. The interplay of warm-toned gold and yellow diamonds creates a mesmerizing display, reminiscent of the grand sea of candles in the Phantom's underground palace. In this way, the awe-inspiring moment of the play is embodied in the artwork. Adorning the center is a 5-carat golden-brown diamond, radiating warmth like the lingering glow of a setting sun, symbolizing the brief yet beautiful life of a butterfly and paying tribute to lost love.